Sunday, June 03, 2007

June 3 2007

Whalley Park. 10am. Vs Newton Rockies.

During warmup we welcomed our newest teammate, Tyler. After losing McBoyle to an injury, and Paz leaving after today's game, we needed a pickup. Turns out Tyler pitched against us during last year's championship game. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Or something like that. Warmup also included fond reminiscing of Brad's unnecessary long-weekend drive to Chilliwack. He tells us that what made it much worse was each time he drove past a gas station and its gas price sign. drive drive drive D'OH! drive drive drive D'OH! drive drive drive D'OH! drive drive drive D'OH!

At 9:55am both teams lined up as Rockie (and one-time Indian) Pete was given a ten-year award. The formation of the Rockies team was primarily his doing. Congrats dude.

Our pregame cheer was really something. And then it was the day of the K. Our two pitchers today - Ratelle and Paz - combined for a phenomenal 16 K's. Yes, 16 of the 27 Rockies' outs were of the strikeout variety. Their pitchers were also on top of their game. Unofficially, the combined K total for the game was 27. (Perhaps someone can chatter an official total.) So, with 51 total outs made in the game - we didn't bat in the bottom of the ninth - over half were K's. As one Indian pointed out, lately the pitching in the league has been a little ahead of the hitting. In our games at least. 'kay?

Interesting play today. We were in the field, runners were on, and the batter put the ball in play. The homeplate ump called "infield fly" and the opposing team's captain stormed from the dugout in protest. After consulting with the base ump, the infield fly call was overturned! Has anyone reading this ever seen an infield fly rule get overturned? We're too lazy to look up the rule, but we're thinking it can't be overturned. Maybe it's not even in the rule book as unoverturnable as no one could possibly foresee anyone attempting to do such a thing. But today someone attempted and someone did - you never know what you're gonna get at an Indians' game. 'kay?

And that was after another interesting play with us in the field. A groundball to the secondbaseman hit the runner heading to second and ricocheted to short left field. The runner continued to third and then to home and the batter/runner went to second. Most of the team was moving at half speed, using their energy to point out repeatedly to the umps that "the ball hit the runner!" Usually that results in an immediate deadball with the runner being out. But not at an Indians game! At an Indians game, the play continues to its natural end, then the umps have a powwow, then the umps declare the runner out and send the batter/runner back to first. 'kay?

One video added to the video box. clayton - 06/03/2007. 'kay?

Today's iPod.
In the second inning, with us up just a couple of runs, we work the bases loaded. With two outs, up steps Paz. Bang, a drive to rightcentre. It drops in, the bases clear, and Paz ends up on third. We never relinquish the lead and win 7-3. Kudos.


jblue said...

fun fact: #5 was in centre for the first six innings and in left for the ninth inning and never touched the ball. that's sixteen straight innings without touching the ball. probably even more innings, but didn't keep track before chilliwack.

Anonymous said...

not taking anything away from pazzers hit, but i still say #2 calling the shortstop "a-rod" should have been the ipod...