Monday, May 21, 2007

20 Qs with Kris Neidert

1. What is the most daring thing you've ever done?

Played ball for the Surrey Indians

2. What are your pet peeves?

People, Traffic, Work

3. What Major Leaguer do you most admire and why?

I got 2, first would be A-Rod cause he makes lots of money and earns it and has an awesome jersey #, the other would be his opposite almost in Richie Sexson. He makes a lot of money and does nothing, now that is true talent.

4. If a stranger told me I was hot I would...

Now is "I" in this question me or you? Cause if someone said you were hot, I wouldn't know what you would do.

5. What is your favorite board game?

Parcheesi. Never really play it but it's got a cool name.

6. What is your day job and what do you like most about it?

Machinist, the thing I like most is the paycheck. Goes to my hookers and blow fund.

7. If there was a fire at your home and you could only save one thing, what would it be?

A tossup between me and that rack of ribs in the freezer. Mmmm.

8. What is your favorite baseball memory?

All I remember is last week losing to the Pirates and going 0 for 4. Kidding, at one time a long time ago I used to be good. I hit a grand slam to win the championship, I think I was 8.

9. Who do people say you look like?

I don't see it but Ben Affleck or Ben Stiller, I've gotten both.

10. I’d like to confess that I...

Used to play soccer, sorry if I let you guys down. I am ashamed.

11. You’re offered two free tickets to any sporting event in the world within the next 12 months (with airfare and accommodation also included). What sporting event do you choose and who goes with you?

World Series, my old man

12. What was the last concert you attended?


13. Favorite website(s)?


14. One book everyone should read is...

The Little Engine that Could. Great story, somewhat difficult read, some good pics. Great all around.

15. One movie everyone should see is...

Any movie with lots of killing, then you know it's good. Or The Thing, that's a cool movie.

16. What is your favorite LMBA park to play in and why?

Robert Burnaby. Because it is the nicest park.

17. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Baby Back Ribs

18. When was the last time you ran?

Sunday, after striking out with the bases loaded I ran back to the dugout.

19. My greatest fear is...

Getting old

20. You are now a suspect in a crime that happened 15 years ago. Where were you, and what were you doing, on the evening of May 22, 1992?

Robbing the liquor store!!! I mean not robbing the liquor store.

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