Sunday, August 07, 2005

Q+A with Shane Meister

Clubhouse Chatter: What is your favorite baseball movie?

Shane Meister: That's easy Major league

CC: There's a movie about your life. What's the title and who plays you?

SM: That's a tough one... I don't have a clue

CC: What's the first music album you ever bought?

SM: hmmmmm I think the rocky 2 soundtrack when I was 8 or 9 years old

CC: What's the most recent music album you bought?

SM: actually I download all my music

CC: What is your most embarrassing baseball moment?

SM: can't say this is for all ages ;)

CC: We want to read a good book, what should we read and why?

SM: A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME by Stephen Hawking. It is an amazing look at the universe based on studies from some of the greatest scientific minds

CC: What was the best vacation you've ever been on?

SM: Palm springs, went with my dad we played two rounds of golf every day we were there :)

CC: Who is your favorite baseball player of all-time, and why?

SM: Well its kind of silly but when I think of cool moments that I witnessed in baseball Carter hitting the home run to win the series for the blue jays stands out allot

CC: You have $20. It's the last $20 you can ever spend. How do you spend it?

SM: I would probably order pizza

CC: What is your proudest baseball moment?

SM: Well recently it would have to be our last game of the season I hit 4 for 4 and caught 2 fly's in field. Its not the kind of play movies are made of but... If you have seen me bat this year you would understand hahahah.

CC: Tell us a good joke. Keep it clean.

SM: Q. What did the zero say to the eight?
A. Nice belt!

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