Wednesday, June 27, 2007

June 24 2007

Central Park. 5pm. Vs Burnaby Brewers.

We were rained out. And thundered out. And lightninged out. And hailed out. The sun had made appearances throughout the day, and during warm-up from 4-4:45 the weather was decent. It could even have been called nice and warm. But there were ominous clouds in the area, and at ten to five, the clouds came a-rolling in, opened up, and gave 'er.

So the game was over before it started. So you're probably thinking no pics or vids. And you'd be WRONG!

We learned on Sunday that if the rain is falling, the camera had better be pointed at number forty-two. Enlarge the top two pics by clicking them, enjoy our favorite still-frame from Sunday below, and then view the three new vids in the video box: jeffrey - 06/24/2007, jeffrey II - 06/24/2007, jeffrey III - 06/24/2007.

Today’s iPod.
jeffrey III – 06/24/2007. Kudos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im just so touched by all this... i mean, i was just doing my part for the team... and to be recognized for it... *sniff* ... its just a real honour...