Wednesday, April 25, 2007

20 Qs with Clay Edger

1. What is the most daring thing you've ever done?

Bunjee jumped in edmonton

2. What are your pet peeves?

People that chew with their mouth open. And when the pitcher throws the ball in the dirt.

3. What Major Leaguer do you most admire and why?

Darryl Strawberry because he's cool.

4. If a stranger told me I was hot I would…

agree that it is hot and proceed in taking off my pants.

5. What is your favorite board game?

Snakes and Ladders

6. What is your day job and what do you like most about it?

I build stuff. My favorite part about it is that sometimes you really have to think things through. So if the boss catches you staring at a piece of paper and doing nothing, it's usually okay.

7. If there was a fire at your home and you could only save one thing, what would it be?

My hands.

8. What is your favorite baseball memory?

When I was a kid at my dad's baseball game and I got hit on the head with a foul ball.

9. Who do people say you look like?

Some guy name David apparently.

10. I’d like to confess that I...

Don't like reality t.v. Seriously though, 'cause a lot of people say they don't but they still watch it. I really hate it.

11. You’re offered two free tickets to any sporting event in the world within the next 12 months (with airfare and accommodation also included). What sporting event do you choose and who goes with you?

Final game of the March madness tournament. But not for the basketball, just for the college chicks. And I'd just bring a good wing man.

12. What was the last concert you attended?

Tenacious D

13. Are the mind and the brain the same thing or different? Please explain your answer.

Different. Mind is your consciousness and it can be altered... Wheras the brain tells the rest of the body what it's supposed to do.

14. One book everyone should read is…

The Scorecard

15. One movie everyone should see is…

Team America

16. What is your favorite LMBA park to play in and why?

Tamanawis for its close fence

17. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?


18. When was the last time you ran?

When I popped up a bunt to the pitcher.

19. My greatest fear is…

Chris Ratelle's curveball

20. You are now a suspect in a crime that happened 15 years ago. Where were you, and what were you doing, on the evening of April 25, 1992?

Let's see I would've been 7 so I was probably playing sega

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