Sunday, May 28, 2006

Josh: A CC Exclusive

Clubhouse Chatter: What is your favorite post-game hangout?

Josh Karls: The closest bar with the cheepest beer.

CC: It's 11am Saturday. What are you likely to be doing?

JK: Nursing my hangover from friday or playing ball.

CC: Fill in the blank: I wouldn't sell ___________ for a billion dollars.

JK: I wouldn't sell my son Jacob for a billion dollars.

CC: You've been called up to The Show; what is the first thing you do?

JK: Call you guys and tell you you're S.O.L.

CC: What stopped you from winning the grade five spelling bee?

JK: What's a spelling bee?

CC: As a baseball player what is your baseball goal this baseball season?

JK: Hit at least one dinger.

CC: If you were a WWE wrestler, what would your wrestling name be?

JK: The big K (or my girl calls me Jumpy Joshie)

CC: What person do you most admire and why?

JK: I admire Steve Nash because he's a two year mvp and he's a little white guy who runs the court.

CC: What is your favorite sports movie?

JK: Major League!

CC: What is your favorite non-sports movie?

JK: Scarface.

CC: Describe an average Sunday in your life 20 years from now.

JK: I can't think that far ahead but I'll say playing ball then being lazy and old.

CC: What is your deepest darkest secret?

JK: My real name is actually Michael Dunahee.

CC: Compose a haiku of your baseball career thus far.

JK: Dig in to the box
Smash anything that looks good
Sprint all the way home

CC: Let's say that Barry Bonds hits #756 and you end up with the ball. What do you do with it?

JK: I would sell it right away before he gets caught for steroids then the ball would be worthless.

CC: Do you prefer scary movies or comedies?

JK: Comedies.

CC: You can invite four dinner guests, dead or alive. Who are they?

JK: Babe Ruth, Alissa Milano, Steve Nash and Hannibal Lector

CC: What country that you've never been to would you most like to go to and why?

JK: Germany because thats where I'm from.

CC: Tell us a good joke. Keep it clean.

JK: Why is it so hot at Burnaby Bisquits games? Because there's not a fan in the place.

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