Monday, July 09, 2007

20 Qs with Jeff Heatley

1. What is the most daring thing you've ever done?

this interview. no wait, it might have been the whole aluminum bat in a lightning storm thing.

2. What are your pet peeves?

every driver on the road that isnt me...

3. What Major Leaguer do you most admire and why?

alex rodriguez. i mean, he's got it so tough. for the love of god people, he's just trying to scrape by and feed his family. why give him such a hard time for it?

4. If a stranger told me I was hot I would…

take an aspirin. fevers are no laughing matter

5. What is your favorite board game?

connect four... is that a board game?

6. What is your day job and what do you like most about it?

lead hand in the cabin services department of a company called servisair at the vancouver int'l airport. not one single thing... except for every second thursday when they pay me

7. If there was a fire at your home and you could only save one thing, what would it be?

do all three of my pets count as one thing? 'cause i couldnt choose thats like sophie's choice man! so cruel!

8. What is your favorite baseball memory?

hitting my one and only home run at tamanawis about six or seven years ago. i remember marcel asking me why i was out of breath when i finished my trot, and i told him that i dont think i took a breath the entire trip around the bases i was so shocked...

9. Who do people say you look like?

david blaine

10. I’d like to confess that I...

if you smelled it, i probably dealt it...

11. You’re offered two free tickets to any sporting event in the world within the next 12 months (with airfare and accommodation also included). What sporting event do you choose and who goes with you?

stanley cup finals, game seven. whomevers bribe is the largest

12. What was the last concert you attended?

the bouncing souls at richards on richards last month. killer show. i love that venue too, i suggest you all check it out before its gone.

13. Favorite website(s)?

man, do i hate that facebook thing... yep, thats definitely not for me... ooh, i just got an email from facebook!

14. One book everyone should read is…

the yellow pages... i couldnt put it down... mostly because i was hungry and there are a lot of pizza places in there...

15. One movie everyone should see is…


16. What is your favorite LMBA park to play in and why?

tamanawis. what with the humming of the power lines, the short porch in right, and the constant chance that you might see an infielder take a grounder in the face. she's a beauty!

17. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

steak... cooked to perfection, a nice medium rare... more rare than medium... oh my god am i hungry!

18. When was the last time you ran?

see jeffrey III in the videos section to your left
[editor: click here for the video]

19. My greatest fear is…

someone finding out about my crime spree that began on the evening of july 9th 1992...

20. You are now a suspect in a crime that happened 15 years ago. Where were you, and what were you doing, on the evening of July 9th, 1992?

not going on a crime spree... that's for sure. no sir, not me!

1 comment:

Surrey Indians said...

note 1: click the top pic to enlarge it; we think jeff is the one in the middle.

note 2: for the crime spree pic, we were torn between the one shown and this one.