Friday, June 10, 2005

Q+A with Jeff Heatley

Clubhouse Chatter: Who is your favorite baseball player of all-time, and why?

Jeff Heatley: if i had to pick a favourite player it would have to be jackie robinson for obvious reasons. dont know what those reasons are? ok, ill just tell you: the numbers 4 & 2, combined they were his number, a number subsequently made legendary by a certain indians player. he did something else important too, but i forget what it was right now....

CC: In the movie of your life, who plays you?

JH: im not sure... she'd better be hot though

CC: Pretend you are planning a road-trip across Canada. What 3 CDs do you make sure are in the car?

JH: 1: any one of Rise Against's 3 albums (im leaning towards "revolutions per minute", but maybe "siren son of the counter culture", you really cant go wrong)
2: Less than Jake's "Hello rockview"
3: Because its a cross canada trip it'd have to include either of the Tragically Hip's "up to Here", "Fully Completely", or"Day for Night" (i've always wanted to drive across the prairies listening to "at the hundredth meridian", seems like it'd be cool... you know, except for the prairies part.)

CC: What is your most embarrassing baseball moment?

JH: what was the date last saturday?

CC: What is your favorite baseball movie?

JH: "Bull Durham" hands down.

CC: We want to read a good book, what should we read and why?

JH: i just finished this month's maxim, very informative and witty. i know what youre thinking: 'that aint no book!' and i cant argue with that, but it is really thick, and i did read most of the articles so cut me some slack!

CC: If you could join any MLB team today, which team would it be and why?

JH: i hear florida's nice this time of year, and if im gonna sit on a bench, id like to get some sun while im doing it... gotta keep up the tan

CC:What is your proudest baseball moment?

JH: it was a few years ago, but i'd swear i hit a home run once. sure it was at tamanawis, but its all i got... besides, i think it was to left center, so it may have gone like 320... booyah! (runner up goes to the ground rule double i hit off lee when he played for the pirates back in the day... man that was sweet!)

CC: Tell us a good joke. Keep it clean.

JH: q. what do you call a hooker with a runny nose? oops sorry, thats not that clean...
how 'bout: 2 old men are sitting on a park bench when a dog comes along, sits down in front of them and starts licking himself. once he gets down between his legs one of the guys looks over and says: 'ya know, i always wanted to do that.' to which the other replies: 'yeah, but he looks pretty mean, ya better ask him first.'
YEAH!!! thank you!!! youve been great, try the veal, and remember to tip your blogger!

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