Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Q+A with Clay Edger

Clubhouse Chatter: What's the first music album you ever bought?

Clay Edger: That would have to be the Godzilla soundrack

CC: What's the most recent music album you bought?

CE: The newest K-os CD

CC: What is your most embarrassing baseball moment?

CE: I got called up to play for the premier team a couple of times and every time I went up to bat I struck out, like 8 times in a row. (and they were all pretty damn ugly)

CC: You have $20. It's the last $20 you can ever spend. How do you spend it?

CE: I'm gonna have to go with beer and porn on that one. Good question though, a lot of thought went into my answer... I'm serious.

CC: Who is your favorite baseball player of all-time, and why?

CE: Ken Griffey Jr., because he gets paid millions to sit on his ass since he's always injured... and when he does play, he's actually pretty good considering he's been injured for a long time.

CC: What is your favorite baseball movie?

CE: The Bad news Bears with billy bob. that's just right now though, i just saw it last night.

CC: Besides baseball, what is your favorite sport to play?

CE: there's nothin better than riding fresh powder on a snowboard

CC: There's a movie about your life. What's the title and who plays you?

CE: the title would probably be " life of a rockstar" and tommy chong would play me.

CC: Do you have any baseball superstitions?

CE: well I'm not sure if it's superstitious but I don't wash my uniform... oh and I rock out to music before every game with my jockstrap on my head. but I don't know if you could really call that superstitious. I have one serious superstition and it is that I always have to be standing in level/fresh dirt. before I step into the box I have to adjust the dirt and fill in the holes, and the same as when I'm catching.

CC: What was the best vacation you've ever been on?

CE: Edmonton trip last summer. drove an '89 POS up there overnight and stayed with another couple in a room. the chick was really hot. won big at the casino and got totally pissed the entire time. all I remember was that it was fun.

CC: We want to read a good book, what should we read and why?

CE: Jerry Seinfeld's "Sign language". it's the only book I've actually read cover to cover... ever.

CC: What is your proudest baseball moment?

CE: signing autographs at the nationals and world series. or maybe when a whalley local was hitting on me... one of the two.

CC: Any words of advice for the thousands of young fans who dream of one day playing for the mighty Surrey Indians?

CE: as long as you walk up to the plate like you're bringing a footlong with you, you'll be fine... and you're halfway to being able to play on the team.

CC: Tell us a good joke. Keep it clean.

CE: so this giraffe and this elephant are walking down the road one day... oh wait that's a dirty one. okay okay, so there's this priest right, and he's walking with this nun and she says to him she says... wait a sec that one is definately very dirty. okay so there's these two girls at a bar, and all of a sudden they just start making out, full on clothes ripping off and everything. so the bartender goes.... wait no, that joke is too long, sorry guys I got nothing.

CC: The end. Please reply back ASAP. If for any reason you do not wish to answer any of the questions, just skip it. If you do not wish to answer any of the questions, please let us know ASAP. Thanks.

CE: I did not wish to answer the question "what time of day do you shower and what's your address?" I just thought that was kinda weird and uncalled for.

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