Wednesday, May 30, 2007

20 Qs with Brad Cumiskey

1. What is the most daring thing you've ever done?

That's a tough one, I would say it's one of two things: One, in June of 2003 I rode a brand new motorcycle from Edmonton to Vancouver, in the pouring rain, with just my learners license, by myself, and the Coquihalla had a wind warning that day. Two, I got married.

2. What are your pet peeves?

People who say "take it to the next level" or worse yet: "let's think outside the box", or worst of all: "In order to take it to the next level, we need to think outside the box."

3. What Major Leaguer do you most admire and why?

Barry 'Zen' Zito was a candidate until the candy ass stood up for Barry Bonds last weekend. So, I'll go with Carlos Delgado for his fine combination of ball skills and political beliefs and his ability to pull out of the bloody awful slump he is in now so he can save my fantasy baseball team.

4. If a stranger told me I was hot I would...

I would simply reply: this is why, this is why, this is why I'm hot, I'm hot cuz I'm fly, you ain't cuz u not, this is why, this is why, this is why I'm hot, I'm hot cuz I'm fly, you ain't cuz u not, this is why, this is why, this is why I'm hot

5. What is your favorite board game?

I own trivial pursuit. Not 'own' own it, but own it in the sense that I like own everyone else who tries to step up, ya heard? I should also mention that apart from owning the game I also own it.

6. What is your day job and what do you like most about it?

Internet Marketing Manager. - After having helped Al Gore invent the Internet, I now market the managing of the Internet for a company who's marketing department includes an Internet group which requires, yep you guessed it, managing. Just call me Chandler.

7. If there was a fire at your home and you could only save one thing, what would it be?

If by 'thing' you mean non-possesive substantive things I would have to say.... my dignity, and by dignity I mean I would grab at least a bath robe on the way out the door. If by 'thing' you mean material possessions, I would have to say.... my wife.

8. What is your favorite baseball memory?

An unforgettable play in little league, where in an effort to score the 2-out, winning run from second base on a single to left field, I noticed, after rounding third, that the throw would beat me to the plate, I charged hard regardless and made an amazing evasive head first slide to the inside of the baseline, reaching with my outstretched right arm I just slid my fingers over the plate as the tag came down late. As I jumped up spinning to see my teammates erupt from the bench, celebrating the winning run as simultaneously Al Beital, the umpire, made an emphatic 'youuuuu'rrrre OUT!' call. The preceding mania of parents, teammates and coaches going nuts on Al for the blown call was priceless. I just looked away in disbelief catching the eye of the other team's catcher, who looked at me and mouthed the words 'you were safe' as he walked off the field.

9. Who do people say you look like?


10. I’d like to confess that I...

would do it again. If given the chance. Dammit.

11. You’re offered two free tickets to any sporting event in the world within the next 12 months (with airfare and accommodation also included). What sporting event do you choose and who goes with you?

The Beijing 2008 Olympics start in 435 days. Does that count?

12. What was the last concert you attended?

Metallica. I fell asleep. Sad but true.

13. Favorite website(s)?

The Onion

14. One book everyone should read is…

Siddartha by Hermann Hesse

15. One movie everyone should see is…

Old time fav: Casablanca. Recent mind blower: Pans Labyrinth

16. What is your favorite LMBA park to play in and why?

Fairfield in Chilliwack. I like the park so much, that I drove all the way out there to scope out the place a full week prior to game time.

17. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Sushi or Tuna Burgers or Dark Chocolate.

18. When was the last time you ran?

Full Swing bunt last Sunday. Check out the vid. [editor: click here for the vid]

19. My greatest fear is…

I would have to say either prison rape, what happens when you die or teletubbies.

20. You are now a suspect in a crime that happened 15 years ago. Where were you, and what were you doing, on the evening of May 30, 1992?

I have no alibi, but I didn't do it, honest - I was home alone, playing video games, punching out Glass Joe in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out.

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