Saturday, July 09, 2005

Q+A with Rob Edger

Clubhouse Chatter: Who is your favorite baseball player of all-time, and why?

Rob Edger: Robin Yount. Great first name.

CC: There's a movie about your life. What's the title and who plays you?

RE: "The Man Who Married Up". I'm played by Kevin Costner. He is sexy like me.

CC: What's the first music album you ever bought?

RE: Nirvana -- Nevermind........I grew up in the early nineties, wearing two or three plaid shirts at a time.

CC: What's the most recent music album you bought?

RE: Coldplay -- X&Y (clearly I'm a little wimpier than in elementary school)

CC: What is your most embarrassing baseball moment?

RE: When I played for the Orioles I hit a triple to dead centre in Winskill, but tripped and landed a few feet short of third base, knocking the wind out of myself in the process. I couldn't catch my breath in time to drag myself over to third base, so the third baseman ended up tagging me out. I guess it was a double.

CC: We want to read a good book, what should we read and why?

RE: 'No Logo' by Naomi Klein. You cannot read this book without wanting to get involved in social justice. Unless your name is George Bush. And then you just can't read at all.

CC: What was the best vacation you've ever been on?

RE: I took an amazing trip on the eastern seaboard of North America with my family when I was about 15. I got to see the Blue Jays play in Fenway Park, amongst other really cool stuff.

CC: Do you have any baseball superstitions?

RE: Watch me the next time I go to hit. I always draw a line with my right foot, and then dig in with my right foot. Then I simultaneously (gasp) step into the box with my Left foot while touching my bat to the plate. Then I swing my bat back and forth along the top of the strike zone. I've been doing this whole routine since I was 13. I am very very weird.

CC: What is your favorite baseball movie?

RE: Field of Dreams. Kevin Costner is sexy.

CC: You have $20. It's the last $20 you can ever spend. How do you spend it?

RE: I would probably donate it to some starving child in a third world country. You can't really do anything with twenty bucks anyway, and I would think that the feeling you would get from physically handing a ten year old twenty canadian dollars, or the equivalent in their money, would be much better than the feeling you would get from eating 2000 one-cent candies (my second choice).

CC: What is your proudest baseball moment?

RE: When I was 14 I pitched my team to the league championship, even though I got into a collision at first base in the second inning. I just gutted it out and changed my motion so that I didn't have much of a leg kick, because I hurt my knee. After the game I had to take a few weeks to let my knee heal before I could play All-Stars, but during the game my knee didn't really seize up, so I was able to keep pitching. By far my greatest hero moment. Kevin Costner couldn't have done it any better.

CC: Tell us a good joke. Keep it clean.

RE: How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.

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