Monday, August 14, 2006

Robin: A CC Exclusive

Clubhouse Chatter: What is your favorite post-game hangout?

Robin Edger: The India Bistro

CC: It's 11am Saturday. What are you likely to be doing?

RE: Laying on the beach at English Bay with my wife.

CC: Fill in the blank: I wouldn't sell ___________ for a billion dollars.

RE: 2 billion dollars

CC: You've been called up to The Show; what is the first thing you do?

RE: Faint.

CC: What stopped you from winning the grade five spelling bee?

RE: The word 'elevator'. No joke, actually happened.

CC: As a baseball player what is your baseball goal this baseball season?

RE: Same as every other year: win it all.

CC: If you were a WWE wrestler, what would your wrestling name be?

RE: 'The Edge'.

CC: What person do you most admire and why?

RE: Tough one. I have a lot of admiration for philanthropists and people who are just generally trying to make the world a better place. Bill Gates, Bono, and Jeffry Sachs come to mind.

CC: What is your favorite sports movie?

RE: Field of Dreams. You know why.
[editor: cuz Kevin Costner is sexy like you?!]

CC: What is your favorite non-sports movie?

RE: Tough one. I'm going with 12 Monkeys.

CC: Describe an average Sunday in your life 20 years from now.

RE: Wake up; go play baseball with the Surrey Indians; go straight to the hospital after the game and begin the 6-day recovery process.

CC: What is your deepest darkest secret?

RE: I don't want to get into specifics, but lets just say his name is Rob Aubertin.

CC: Compose a haiku of your baseball career thus far.

RE: a few decent years
then an mvp season
now, ride off my rep

CC: Let's say that Barry Bonds hits #756 and you end up with the ball. What do you do with it?

RE: Spit on it. Wipe it off. Then sell it.

CC: Do you prefer scary movies or comedies?

RE: Comedies.

CC: You can invite four dinner guests, dead or alive. Who are they?

RE: Socrates, Socrates' translator, Pierre Trudeau, Lee Harvey Oswald (I gotta know).

CC: What country that you've never been to would you most like to go to and why?

RE: France. I'd get to practice my French, and I'd get to enjoy all the culture.

CC: Tell us a good joke. Keep it clean.

RE: A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender laughs and says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you!" The grasshopper looks at the bartender, with a look of extreme confusion on his face, and says, "You have a drink called Steve?"

[editor: apologies for lack of images. but blame blogger.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 billion dollars? you unoriginal bastard! you stole that from jeff's interview. i understand, cause that guys hilarious!