Tuesday, May 31, 2005

May 29 2005

Found in the dictionary Monday morning:

come·back ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kmbk)
1. i. A return to formerly enjoyed status or prosperity: The film star made an unexpected comeback.
ii. A return to popularity: Wide ties are making a comeback this year.
2. A reply, especially a quick witty one; a retort.
3. The Surrey Indians/Aldergrove game on Sunday

Thanks to Redge for the heads up on that one.

Down five runs going into the bottom of the ninth, das Indians showed great heart in eking out a tie.. However, there was one player who was greatly frustrated during Sunday's game, and has gone 0 for 9 with two strikeouts in the past two games. His play in the field has also been (far) less than spectacular. He would like to apologize to his teammates, especially since he could have redeemed himself with a hit that would have won the game and instead popped out, thereby ending the thrilling comeback one run short of full. While walking and talking with Kelly and his girlfriend's daughter after the game, he was assessing his play and a curse word snuck out. He didn't notice this transgression until the girl said, "you shouldn't swear". She was absolutely right. The curser works with kids and should have known better. So in addition to his teammates, he would also like to apologize to Kelly, Kelly's girlfriend, and Kelly's girlfriend's daughter. (The blogger obviously doesn't know all names involved. Well, he knows the curser's name, but is withholding for legal purposes.) If anyone else feels like they are owed an apology by this individual, you are probably in the right. Just let us know and we will make it happen.

In the past, player of the game selections were relatively easy. For Sunday's game, not so easy, made hard in part by the comeback in which we actually looked like we could hit. Here's the postscript of an email that we at Clubhouse Chatter, with our tight connections to the dark side, got a hold of:

ps... i nominate enrique for player of the game... he pitched really well, and that hit was clutch. close runners up go to brad for his game breaker, and lee and i for each wearing one to start the inning

To that we would like to add Redge, who went four for five with two runs scored and four (yes, four!) stolen bases.

You'll have to see the homepage for the final selection. We'll tell you, though, that he had the quote of the day, which certainly helped his cause: "I think our offense has adjusted, but our hitting hasn't.." The first response from his teammates was confusion, which was quickly followed up with much laughter, derision, and mockery. He responded, "I meant to say DE-fense, you sh*theads".


rob said...

Not that i have no life, but I've actually been checking here daily for that post. Rob, I would like an apology from you, because my fiancee isn't very impressed that I check our team site when we have company over. I blame you for the new-found strain on that relationship.

Surrey Indians said...

The curser has read this comment and sincerely apologizes to Redge and his fiancee for the new-found strain on that relationship.