Thursday, May 12, 2005

Mother's Day II

Did you enjoy your anticipation, as you were instructed to? Good. Sorry to have the anticipation come to an end so abruptly, but the guest blogger submitted his posting earlier than expected. Enjoy...

Hi Kids!

On today’s show, we’ll be making some crafts, decorating our puppets, and later on – if we have time – we’ll dive into the costume treasure trunk. But to start today’s show. Let’s do a quick examination of the phenomenon known as “Wasting Other People’s Time.”

Now, who out there likes to have their time wasted? – Yeah that’s right, me neither. Nobody likes to have their time wasted.

Time wasting is bad. Right kids? And why is time wasting such a bad thing? Anyone? Yes, Jimmy:
“Cause sometimes when you want to play with your friend, but then you can’t but you wanted to, but your friend was too slow to get ready then they make you wait too long and then your Mom calls you in for dinner. Then I go, ‘ahh man, what a waste of time.’ Shucks.”

Very good example Jimmy. Kids, Jimmy brings up a good point regarding disappointment, when someone wastes someone else’s time. Disappointment is a natural reaction children. Sometimes, when you have your hopes up, when you’ve changed your plans, and you’ve put off other things, you’re all excited about doing something – and blam! It all gets ruined because someone else wasn’t considerate and wasted your time.

Yes Shelly? “Teacher, I hate it when I’m excited and my plans get ruined? It totally sucks. What can we do when we are really disappointed?"

Well children, sometimes, when your plans are shot to junk by someone else’s ineptitude, there really isn’t anything substantial you can do about it. Life’s a female-dog and then you die. When someone else is wasting your time, pretty much you just have to take it.

All right kids, now let’s go paint some rocks…


The White Rock Rockies clearly don’t have their junk together, by showing up with only six guys on Mother’s Day, when eleven Indians rescheduled their Sunday afternoons to show up to a ball park only to have the game forfeited.

Wasting Other People’s Time: White Rock Rockies
Disappointed: Surrey Indians
Repercussions: White Rock Rockies should be fined in the short term, and booted from the league until such time as they can prove to the league that they have their ducks in a row.

Time is money.
Average age of the Surrey Indians: 24
Number of Surrey Indians at ballpark on Sunday: 11
Approx. Amount of time wasted: 3 hours
National average hourly wage for a 24-year-old Canadian male (Stats Can): $14.33 hr
Amount of money the White Rock Rockies Organization should be fined:
11 x 3 x 14.33 = $472.89


Anonymous said...

very clever

Anonymous said...

The views expressed in this blog don’t necessarily reflect those of the entire Surrey Indians Baseball Club.............

Surrey Indians said...

As the second 'anonymous' pointed out, this posting (actually all the postings) are the views of one player and one player alone. Others may share that view, while others may not. The 'one player' is subject to change from post to post.