Sunday, May 01, 2005

A Winning Streak

Does two wins a streak make? We'll answer that. Yes.

We have to start this post with accolades to the pitching staff. Phenomenal stuff. They better stop pitching so well or we'll run out of ways to praise them. But not really guys, keep firing in there.. Chris started his second straight game and pitched five strong innings for his second win of the year. As for Enrique, he pitched one full inning and didn't get a single strikeout. What's up dude? Hiding an injury? Chris might catch you in the SO/game ratio.. You can't let him do that!! Lee also pitched well with no runs allowed and two strikeouts in his two innings of work.. Two straight 8-2 wins. Excellent work chuckers, excellent work. You keep allowing just two runs a game, and we promise to try hard to win. That's a promise.

Batting. Our eight hits were shared among six different batters. Once again we had a strong first inning, with several doubles being hit and a couple of runs scoring. Rob E had a particularly strong game, hitting two doubles and picking up two RBIs. His brother Clay exhibited incredible speed as he smacked a drive to left field and legged out a triple. Kelly, going 1 for 5, had three runs scored, which is impressive.

The team is gelling quite nicely, with good attitudes all around. There is even talk of a possible team camping trip on an upcoming bye-weekend. Precise location of our tents will be kept hush-hush to keep groupies and autograph seekers at bay. Be warned: any location that is given out in the next couple of weeks is solely for the purpose of directing thugs to the wrong location. So unless we list every single location in the world where we will not be, you'll have no idea where we actually will be. Suckers.. (?)

Some good pics were taken at this game. Far better pics than those blurry shots of garbage we directed you to in the last post. See them by clicking here.

We are now a .667 team. Our confidence is rising and our tea is ready, so we must be going. Cheers.

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