Saturday, May 07, 2005

Exhibition Baseball.. never ever as good as the real thing.

Expected to play the Mariners on Thursday the 5th, and the Revolt showed up instead ("The Langley Revolt from the Indians", as Kelly says).

No official score was kept, so we might have lost, or we might not have won. Half the team is thinking the former and half the team is thinking the latter. The remaining third of the team failed every single math class they ever took.

Some pitches were thrown, there were some solid hits, and some nice catches were made in the field, most notably Shane's all-out diving grab in left field. There are only two words that come to mind when we recall his fantastic catch, but we're not sure if we can use them or not. Ah what the hey.. Shane, that's hot!

After Rob A got plunked he was stoic on the basepaths. Then he got to the dugout and bawled like a baby.

Adam played his second game for us. Who's Adam, you ask, and why doesn't his name link to his profile? Well, Adam is apparently our regular exhibition player, and hasn't yet played a real game with us yet.. Once he plays an official game, then he'll get an official spot on the roster. Any further questions?

On the previous post, Rob E made the inaugural comment for this blog, and we thank him for his kind words. You too can leave comments. Just click on the comment link at the bottom of each post. We'll accept fan mail, hate mail, and everything in between. Indian players: the designated blogger can not remember everything. Any plays of note that do not get put in the blog, feel free to put them in the comments. The comments section can work as a sort of second forum, as the real forum is seeing far too much action lately and could use the relief..

The Indians are having early nights leading up to their next game, as we know that the Rockies, who are currently averaging over 20 runs allowed per game and under 4 runs scored per game, are feeling the heat and could erupt with a lava flow of positivity which could lead to a miraculous game of hitting supremacy and pitching excellence. We want to be well-prepared come game time so as not to be caught with our pants down, because no one likes to be caught with their pants down. Right Rod?

Camping trip update: Looks like it's going to be next weekend, May 14/15, at Alice Lake, which is near Squamish.


rob said...

Is alice lake the throw-off-the-groupies pretend place? We were going to Harrison.

Surrey Indians said...

you mean we're going to alice lake with harrison ford, right? did you hear that groupies? alice lake with harrison ford.. see you there!