Monday, August 14, 2006

July 23 - August 6 2006

Yeah yeah yeah. We know we're a little behind in the whole blog-posting department. FYI, this is a nonpaying gig and it's been a busier than normal summer, so three words for ya: Get over it. Now that we've got that unpleasantness behind us, let's get to it...

On July 23rd we could barely assemble a barely cognizant crew to face the inept Playaz. It was the day after RobE's wedding (congrats!), and we had to call him up to get him on the field as our ninth player. Luckily it was a night game, as we don't think an early morning call would have gone over well. ("But we realllllly need you dude.. c'mon, did your priorities get skewed overnight?") We recently heard that his bride watched The Notebook alone while her hubby played. Sad, but not as sad as forfeiting to the Playaz would have been. Kudos RobE, you've got Indian blood in ya.

The game was not so much a game as a glorified BP session. Final score was 21-1, as we collected 14 hits, six of which going for extra bases, and tallied a remarkable 18 base on balls. Good eye, Indians, good eye. Perhaps BP, in this case, stands for Batting Patience. After a season long slump, also-recently-married RobA (congrats!) pounded out five hits, including two doubles, and scored four times while knocking in three. The pitching was exceptional, including five strong innings from Ratty, and surprise performances by Clay and Kelly.

Our next game on the schedule was an August 2nd midweek rematch against the Playaz. Unfortunately, we learned in the days prior that the Playaz forfeited that game, as they were folding for the season. Sad news, as they seemed to get enough players out to the games by gametime.

Next up: the Sabres, a formidable opponent. The August 6th game was our second straight with just 9 players. Injuries and holidays were taking a toll on our roster, which we won't harp on about cuz we still manage to notch plus-ones in the win column, this time a 10-2 victory.

Highlights from this game:
  • Clay's 5 stolen bases (17 in 11 games - yowzers!)
  • Lee's 5 solid innings pitched, averaging a K an inning.
  • The win.

With one more game on the sked (Sunday the 13th vs the Brew Crew), let's keep this wagon wheel going right into the playoffs. Who are we kidding, we've already played that game. Stay tuned for a post on that game after a post or two of CC Exclusives.

1 comment:

rob said...

You're back! You're back!