Wednesday, August 16, 2006

August 13 2006

Sunday's game saw the return of a couple of players fresh off the DL, as our nine-player roster streak ended. Welcome back Josh and Rod; howzabout you keep the punching of metal objects and the faceplanting into trees to a minimum from here on out?

Twas a tight match for the first half of the game. Neither us nor the Brewers could get much going offensively. They at least had Chris to blame. We had no one, and nothing, to blame, except for our sky-high expectations of ourselves which forced us to overswing at pitches which should have been driven much harder than they were actually driven.

The fielding was suspect on both sides. Perhaps the sun is at fault, but there were several pop-ups, flyballs, and foul balls that could have been caught by a little leaguer. Or your mom, your pick.

We loved Lee striking guys out on called third strikes with loopers to end all loopers. They were bailing out onto their asses as the ump punched them out. Nice touch: their coach calling them "chicken sh*ts" both during the at-bat, and while they were doing their walk of shame to the dugout. Not not-loud either.

Highlight of the game goes to Brad. Not for his batting, which was impressive unto itself, but for his idiosyncratic cheering. He had the entire Indians roster, as well as our fan section of the grassy hill, cracking up on several occasions. Wish we could write more about it, but it truly is something you have to see/hear for yourself. His regalement after one of Lee's looping Ks could prove to be the number one highlight of this season. Video footage excluded.

Final score: 9-3 (according to the Brewers website.. can't remember if that's correct or not)

Question for you: On the standings website, doesn't PCT stand for winning percentage? Why then does Newton have a higher winning percentage if we have one more win than Newton in the same number of games? Turned into two questions; double the fun, half the calories.


rob said...

How do you have a post on the Brewers game without mentioning "The Catch"? Humility, I guess.

Surrey Indians said...

We were close to mentioning it in the third-last paragraph, alongside Brad's cheering of Lee's Ks, but our humility, and our dropped ball a few innings later, kept it out.

Also, for those of you wondering when our next game is we have this to say: we're wondering too.

rob said...

Sunday, August 27. We take on the winner of White Rock and Burnaby. Time is TBA