Monday, September 11, 2006

September 10 2006

We were that close (we touched it).

It was definitely a beautiful day for a doubleheader. 'Tis a shame only one game was scheduled. At least it was the championship game, that kind of made it okay that we were only playing one game. In the end though, we would have liked to have played a best-of-seven, like the big boys do when it's playoff time. Even a best-of-three would have suited us fine. However many best-ofs until we are crowned champions. I think we even had it in us to do a best-of-one-hundred-and-thirty-nine. Et toi, Sabres?

The Sabres sure did bring their bats to the game. We'd become used to our pitchers being able to shut down the opposition, allowing just a few hits here and there. On this day, however, the Sabres jumped on our pitching early, driving hits to all fields. We kept pace early on, thanks in part to Jeff and Enrique's back-to-back extra base hits. We think we heard Jeff saying that it was his first career triple. Kudos Jeff; well-timed.

There was nothing really that stood out as reasons why they won or reasons why we lost. It was a well-fought game and in the end they had more runs on the scoreboard. A few more timely hits, and a few less baserunning errors, on our part and maybe, just maybe... Suppose we can play the what if game all off-season.

To the Sabres pitcher: Get well soon.

That's about it. If anyone else has anything to add, more specifics for the absent RobE perhaps, you're more than welcome to chatter. For mental health reasons, we can't get more specific about the Sabres' pitcher; we've said too much already and we're getting lightheaded again. Clay can tell you about it.

The team awards submission forms have been emailed out; results will be posted here by Sunday noon at the latest. In the meantime, check out the videos found on the left sidebar. We got our hands on some good footage taken during Sunday's game.


Anonymous said...

those videos are rivetting. and for the record, at no time in the video do you see brad giving me the stop sign rounding third. so, he may not have sent me, but he sure as hell didnt try and stop me either...

rob said...

What was the deal on the Sabres pitcher?