Thursday, August 31, 2006

Clayton Edger

There are no *s around Clay's name because it's not a video. We're here to tell you about Macula's big gig this weekend. Actually, who better to tell you than Clay himself. Here's the mic Clay...

Hey guys. Saturday, September 2nd at the Lamplighter on Abbott St. in Gastown is going to be the venue for our first show with our new singer. You will not be able to tell by our performance that it's our first. We've been practicing like 4 times a week for the past 3 months. We're definitely planning on making a career out of this.

Three of the four other bands playing that night are also really kickass... the promoter has told us that there are going to be labels there to check out the band that's on second. Obviously these guys would want to check out who's headlining (us) and it could be a REALLY big night for us if we get good crowd support. It's unheard of for a band to get signed at their first show but you can always hope right? Anyways, thanks in advance to anyone deciding to come out and support.


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