Wednesday, August 01, 2007

July 31 2007

Whalley Park. 7pm. Vs Surrey Pirates.

Once again this blogger found out sometime in the fourth inning or later that we were only playing seven innings. Turns out it is a new-this-season LMBA thing where midweek evening games only go seven innings. So we won't be clueless - or annoyed - again in the future; concerning this topic, that is.

Kris started on the mound and did well. After delivering a three-up three-down top of the first, he led off the bottom of the first and promptly hit a double. His first of four solid hits on the day.

Jump forward to the bottom of the sixth - quite a jump we know, but we're pressed for time here, so please forgive us. Up a run, we're looking to add some insurance before the Pirates have their final at-bat. Kris is on second base, and there's a basehit. The third base coach is emphatically waving him in - with full vocal support of the occupants of the dugout behind him. Here comes the throw... it's gonna be close.. Kris slides.. he's under the tag, he's under the tag.. we start cheering.. but wait.. the ump hasn't made the call yet.. now he's pointing at the catcher's glove.. now he's making a fist.. what the?? Indians players and fans voice their displeasure. Kris - known for nothing if not his honesty, and maybe his penchant for puns - tells us he was safe. Grrrr...

And wouldn't you know it. Top of the seventh the Pirates get a man on third. Two outs. At the plate is a batter having his first at-bat of the game. His first swing of the game? A little blooper, a Texas leaguer if you will, behind third base. We have ourseves a tie game. A tough break for Tyler, who pitched very well in relief after a tough outing last game.

Leading off the bottom of the seventh is (spoiler alert) co-hero-of-the-day Enrique. Co-hero? Yes, because not only did Kris, the other co-hero recipient, go 4-for-4, he pitched five terrific innings. So co-hero Enrique smacks a pitch to right centre for a double. Next up is Jeff, who lays down his second sacrifice bunt of the day, both of them works of art. So now Enrique is at third base...

Today's iPod.
...and with his head fully in the game, he's 100% focused on every pitch. And that pitch is past the catcher! Enrique breaks for home, hits top gear, slides, and he's safe! For real this time! Indians win, Indians win! Our losing skid is over! Kudos.


Anonymous said...

not to take anything away from enrique, but i think kris' day on the mound and at the plate should earn him co-hero status. he had a hell of a ball game!

im also glad you appreciated my artistry! :D

Surrey Indians said...

you're right el jeffe. we apologize to all, especially kris, for our oversight, and the paragraph before the ipod has now been edited.

Anonymous said...

always a good read robby :)