Friday, July 20, 2007

20 Qs with Scott Sibley

1. What is the most daring thing you've ever done?

I once asked my ex-girlfriend if she was moody because she was PMSing?… if you don’t think that is daring try it sometime !!!

2. What are your pet peeves?

People being late - with all the technology we have nowadays there is really no excuse to be late on a regular basis but yet there are people who manage to defy the logic.

3. What Major Leaguer do you most admire and why?

Bonds – I have to admire someone who is trying to cheat to get to the top, gets caught, but manages to get away with it anyways..... in my opinion Bonds has had to work twice as hard as Aaron or Ruth.

4. If a stranger told me I was hot I would…

Give them one of the 8x10s of me that I carry around just for situations like this one.

5. What is your favourite board game?

Cranium – it’s like crack!

6. What is your day job and what do you like most about it?

Employee Liberator – I love helping to free these poor unintelligent employees from the constraints of a well paying cushy job.

7. If there was a fire at your home and you could only save one thing, what would it be?

My blackberry….. it is part of my soul!

8. What is your favorite baseball memory?

Joe Carter’s walk off world series winning homerun in ’93…… much like my game winning 9th inning homerun in ’07 (I needed to find a way to get that in here)
[editor: click here to see Scott's game winning 9th inning homerun in '07]

9. Who do people say you look like?

I used to get Vince Vaughn – not sure why???

10. I’d like to confess that I...

Wax my eyebrows twice a year…..don’t judge - the ladies love it!

11. You’re offered two free tickets to any sporting event in the world within the next 12 months (with airfare and accommodation also included). What sporting event do you choose and who goes with you?

Superbowl – just to say I went…. I would hold auditions across Western Canada to find the most qualified female companion to accompany me.

12. What was the last concert you attended?

Faith Hill & Tim McGraw – not my choice, but worth it in the end.

13. Favorite website(s)?

What Would Tyler Durden Do – – great celebrity gossip.

14. One book everyone should read is…

October 2004 edition of Swank Magazine; there is a great article in there about world economical pressures.

15. One movie everyone should see is…

The Usual Suspects.

16. What is your favorite LMBA park to play in and why?

Whalley – what other park has its own hooker section in the stands?

17. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Fast Food.

18. When is the last time you ran?

September 1998 – I had to catch a plane….. don’t confuse my trotting with running.

19. My greatest fear is…

Losing control of my surrounding… I’m a bit of a control freak.

20. You are now a suspect in a crime that happened 15 years ago. Where were you, and what were you doing, on the evening of July 20, 1992?

“I have no idea” is always the answer….. because anyone who could possibly remember what they were doing is definitely lying and most likely guilty, most people can't remember what they had for lunch a week ago let alone what they were doing over 6 months ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He waxes his eyebrows...haha

I hope his woman doesn't read #11

haha...he waxes his eyebrows