Wednesday, March 21, 2007

March 21 2007

Spring has officially sprung and Spring Training is proceeding at a slow pace. A few batting cage sessions here and there, with the annual start-of-Spring-Training proclamation given by Enrique that he won't be pitching this season. Alright Enrique, so you're good to go in the first game? Or the second game?

We've able to swing the bat at pitched balls a few times, but the weather has been uncooperative when it comes to field time. As of now we have yet to need to don our cleats - which is probably the most poetic sentence we have ever written. But that could change this Sunday! The don our cleats part; it's highly unlikely we'll ever write a more poetic sentence. The weather channel predicts mostly sunshine for this Sunday, which would be very nice for our scheduled not-so-long-ass 10am-11:59am practice. For everyone who has been eagerly awaiting our return after the off-season, a special treat: this practice is an open practice, free to anyone and everyone who wishes to view this practice! (note: tickets required, with a service fee of $2.50, a little something we learned from les 'nucks.)

There are a few changes this season, including a new rule governing the placement of a batters' feet during an at-bat: at least one foot must stay in the box at all times. Getting the signs from the third-base coach? Keep one foot in. Failure to follow this rule will result in a strike. For it's one, two, three times-both-feet-out-of-the-box you're out, at the ollllld balllllll gaaaaame!

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