Sunday, May 14, 2006

May 14 2006

Hello readers! Sorry for last week's nonpost. We were too busy warming up our cores and digits after the cold, wet, loss. Are we forgiven? Thanks.

After last week's disappointing outcome and today's disappointing result, we have two consecutive disappointing losses after our first-game win. It is, how you say, disappointing?

It started out promising enough today, with Kel giving a legendary pep-talk ("man, we're gonna get smoked") and Chris pitching a no-hitter through two, but the bats weren't providing the necessary runs. See, in baseball, you need runs to win. True story; you learned something today didn't you? Anyway, we did eventually get the bats going, but so did the (who did we play today? let us check, hold on... oh right) Sabres. In the end, they got the timely hits and we did not. That's the way it goes sometimes.

We are working on getting some game-action pics on our website. The one thing holding us back is taking some game-action pics. Profile pics were taken a couple of weeks ago, so look for those to pop-up at any moment, much like our at-bats today.

Our next game is the make-up game of our rained-out opening day game vs Newton Royals: Tuesday May 23rd at 8:45 pm at Whalley.

Let it be known that no one on the Indians roster brings a pencil sharpener to the games, or at least today's game. It really would've helped us out today, but we'll stop short of blaming the loss on it.

Is it possible for us to write any more words without actually saying anything?

Hey, we almost forgot to mention the defensive play of the game. The winner is..... Kel! On a hard line-drive, Kel powered up, released the controller button, and leapt what must have been at least three-and-a-half inches off the dirt to snare the ball for the out. Kudos Kel. (A nod to Jeff for the "powered up" inspiration.) First runner-up is Tyler for his diving catch attempt in left. He didn't quite make the catch but it was definitely worthy of an honorable mention.

Later that same day:
We definitely should have wished all mother's a Happy Mother's Day, this being Mother's Day. All mother's who attended today's game were given a special treat: free admission to the game. We often overhear people saying, "those Surrey Indians, how virtuous do you think they are?" We now consider that question to be sufficiently answered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seems like the only teams we can beat are the playaz and the rockies..what happened to our 6-0 start??? Time to show up to practice boys. # 2