Monday, April 17, 2006

April 16 2006

We was rained out on opening day. No actual precipitation at game time, but there had been enough wetness in the days and weeks leading up to the grand event that playing the game would've meant destroying both the turf, and, more importantly, our precious cleats. Plus our toes would've gotten a little chilly. You don't want our toes to get chilly do you?

Make-up game is scheduled for 4pm, Sunday April 23rd at Unwin. It's sure to be a doozy. Do us a favor, s'il vous plaƮt: do a sun dance every morning this week. We sure would like to get our season started.

Update - 8:40pm.
We have intercepted an email that contained the following information: Unfortunately we aren’t able to field a team next Sunday to play the makeup so it will have to wait until later in the season. At least 6 of us are unable to attend.

We know what you're thinking.. should I still do a sun dance every morning this week? Well, it's up to you. But you should know that we will still be doing them. The sooner all of the fields are dry the better; after all, we also have to practice on them.

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